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현대의학은 왜 암치료하기를 원치않는가?사상최대의 돈벌이-의료산업-펌글-

by 골동품나라 밴드 리더 2013. 3. 30.

현대의학은 암 치료하기를 원치 않는가?사상최대의 돈벌이-의료산업-펌글-



사상 최대의 돈벌이 : 그들은  치료하길 원치않는가 

By Dr. Dennis Antoine

2012.09.30 - 3:34:56 AM 



세상을 깨워라Wake Up World
일어날 시간이다 Waking Times


유방암 검사맘모그라피



미국 암협회는 맘모그라피 산업과 긴밀하게 연결되어져 있다.

 5개 방사선 기업은 암협회 회장들로 등장하는데 이들이 

움직일때마다 암협회는 


맘모그라피 장비와 필름 영업으로 큰 이익을 낸다.


 그것들은 지멘스, 듀퐁, GE, 코닥, 파이커 등이다. 

사실상 모든 여성들이 미 암협회가 맘모그라피 진단을 받으라는 

지침을 따른다면 그들의 한해 수입은 50억불이라는 

엄청난 규모에 이를 것이다. 


최소한 폐경전 여성에 대해서만 한다해도 25억불은 된다.




암협회가 판촉행위를 하기에 모든 연령의 

여성을 유방암 검진을 받으라고 꼬여내고 있다. 

그래서 맘모그라피 검사Mammography가 

유방암을 대항하는 최상의 희망이라고 믿게 만드는 것이다.   



메사추세츠 주요 신문은 암협회 광고에

2명의 20대 여성을 등장시켜서 초기에 유방암을 발견하면 

거의 100%의 완치율을 나타낸다고 광고한다


그러자 메사츄세츠 여기자 케이트 뎀프시( journalist Kate Dempsey)가 

암협회 홍보이사한테 그 광고가 과학적 근거를 

갖고 만든게 아니지않느냐?는 항의를 했다. 


이런 장사 속으로 의료광고를 하고 항의를 받다니 기가 막힐 노릇이다.


그 자는  여성협회신문에다 답이라고 글을 개재했다. 

그런데 당신들은 초점을 과장했다. 

오늘날 맘모그라피 사업은 수지맞는 

업종이며 경쟁률이 아주 높아졌다.




유방조영술 (맘모그라피 검사 Mammography)

여성들이 맘모 기계를 들이대서 유방암 검사

받는 장면은 비참하다. 여성의 유방은 부드럽고 

민감한데도 불구하고 엑스레이를 찍는다고 

사방으로 이리 밀고 저리 밀려서 찍히는 판이다. 

그 와중에 유방은 함부로 다뤄진다. 

이렇게 유방의 속이 성이 나는데 만일 

그 안에 암세포가 들어있다면 그것이 

성나서 다른 자리로 전이될 확률이 높아진다.


그뿐 아니라 악성종양은 그 주위에 막으로 싸여있다. 

그래서 유방을 함부로 다루면 그 막이 이상을 일으켜서

 번지고 전이상태로 변한다.


만일 약간 불안하게 보이는가? 그러면 그 

부위를 조직검사를 하자고 달려든다. 

그럼 바늘이 유방 속에 꽂히고 세포가 채취되어 나간다. 

이렇게 되면 어떤 세포가 막에서 찢겨나가서 

상처를 입는지 정녕 모른단 말인가? 


이런 식이면 작은 종양이 그냥 인체 면역력으로 

제거될 수도 있었는데 이제 일은 크게 벌어지고 만 것이다.


폐암과 식도암도 공히 엄청난 수입을 가져다준다.

이것이 다루기가 아주 까다로운 암중의 하나다. 

여기엔 기적 같은 이야기가 숨겨져 있는데

다름아닌 과산화수소 요법이다.

이 요법은 인체 감염된 암바이러스를 산소를 통한 

산화 연소법으로 잡아준다. 이에 관해서는

 매디슨 카버너프가 일분간의 치유법이라는 제목의

 책을 발간했다. 거기에 과산화수소요법이 

상세히 나와서 건강회복에 도움을 준다.




이야기를 확실하게 하기위해 

과산화수소는 식용 수준이어야 함을 밝힌다. 

이 말은 수퍼에서 파는 것을 사서 마시면 

좋지않다는 말이다. 

당신은 식용으로 나온 35% 용액을 사서 

그것을 정제수를 11배 타서 3%용액으로 만들어서 

마셔야 한다. 보통 갈색병에 담아서 파는 

용액은 그 안에 방부제가 들어있으니 마시면 안좋다.


암은 산소를 몹시도 싫어한다. 

그것은 섭씨온도 37 (화씨 98.6)를 좋아한다 

그리고 지방세포를 좋아하고. 그것은 암세포를 

위한 최고의 제조상태이다. 

그런데 암세포는 혈관생성술 angiogenesis 이란 묘기를 부릴 줄안다. 

이것은 암세포가 혈액을 더 끌어오려고 

혈관을 만들 줄 안다는 것이다.


 그래서 암의 왕성한 식욕을 채우려 혈액의 영양을 

더 끌어간다는 것이고 이게 왕성하니 

암이 그토록 빨리 생장한다.




음료수에 들어가는 설탕의 양은?


설탕은 암을 위한 완벽한 연료이다

.높은 과당의 옥수수 시럽은 이상적인 

설탕을 형성시켜주는데 이게 섭취되면 

세포분열과 암의 생장에 최고의 속력을 공급한 격이된다.

(사견:콜라,사이다,환타,청량음료는절대적으로 나쁨니다) 



자 이제 사람의 몸을 암으로 인도하는 

최악의 폭풍 perfect storm 이 무엇인지를 살펴보자.


1)       사람이 과체중이다.

2)     음식에 모든 화학제와 방부제가 들은 인스턴트 식품을 먹는다.

3)     그가 불소로 처리한 수돗물을 마신다.

4)     백신접종을 받기도 한다 백신 안에 수은  암유발 화학제가 포함됨

5)     공해가 심한 대기 속에 자주 있다.

6)     바비큐로 굽는 고기를 섭취한다.

7)     질산이나 아질산으로 처리한 소시지를 먹는다.

8)    화학약물이나 화학물질이 들어간 음식을 섭취한다  


이상이 암으로 인도되는 첩경이다.


누구나 제대로 만들어진 치즈를 먹지않는다 

러나 안좋은 치즈는 식도암을 치유하는데 아주 방해가 된다.



가공치즈(Processed cheese)

자연치즈는 우유가 응유효소에 의해 응고된 것 자체,

즉 아무것도 첨가되지 않은 치즈를 일컫는다

여기에 가공식품 업자들은 여러 가지 물질을 넣는다

물성을 좋게 하기 위해 유화제를 넣고

맛을 내기 위한 조미료와 향료를 넣고

색택을 위해 색소를, 보관을 위해 보존료를 넣는다

이렇게 만들어진 첨가물 투성이의 치즈가 가공치즈이다



암이란 무엇인가? 

그것은 마치 사람이 바깥에 외출했다가

 집에 돌아왔는데 집이 아주 더운 상태라 비유할 수 있다. 

그럼 그 사람은 에어컨을 켜려고 스위치를 갖고

 조작해서 찬바람이 나오게 할 것이다. 

암이 있다면 그에 대항하는 방법이 에

어컨이나 창문을 열거나 목욕을 하거나 선풍기를 

틀어야 하듯 다양한 방식으로 존재한다. 

그러니 더위를 걱정하지 않을 것이다. 

암도 마찬가지다.그것은 몸의 상태가 열악해질 때 

우리가 암세포를 초대해서 크게 키워놓은 것이라 할 수있다.

 암이 커지면 건강에 문제가 되는 것이니 

그것을 각종 요법을 써서 작게 하고 

또 아주 없애는 방법을 쓰면 된다.

 , 그것을 두려워하는가?



두려워하면 자기가 대처해낼 수가 없다. 

오로지 대학병원에 돈을 싸질머 지고 가서 

고쳐달라고 애원할 셈인가? 아니다 

더위를 식히듯이 암세포를 줄이고

 내몰면 되는 것이다.


그런데 미국사회는 어떻게 했는가? 

암이 있다고 수술을 해서 제거하는 수술을 한다. 

그러면서 멋진 외과의사는 우리가 그걸 모두 잡은 것으로 보입니다 

라고 멋진 멘트를 던진다. 천만의 말씀이다. 

그런 날 잡아잡수 하는  암세포는 극히 일부이며 

멋있는 모양새를 짓고 있을 뿐이다. 


실상은 작아진 모습으로 여기져기 사방에 번져있을 것이다. 

그러니 어떤 의사도 종양세포를 잡아낼 수있는 방도가 없다.

그럼 화학치료를 하고 방사선치료를 하면 종양세포가 잡히는가? 


꿈도 꾸지 못할 일이다. 종양세포가 일반 세포보다 강하면 더 강하다면

강한 놈인데 무슨 화학약물치료나 방사선으로 죽일수 있단 말인가?


화학치료 chemotherapy 를 받는 경우에는 대개 암으로 죽는게 

아니고 그것의 부작용인 면역저하고 세균에 감염되어 그 증세로 사망한다.


또 방사선치료는 암을 잡아주는가? 


그것은 암을 잡기 전에 우선 사람의 중요한 세포부터 죽여놓는다. 

암은 결코 사람의 머리카락을 빠지게 하질 않는데 

방사선은 머리를 다 뽑아서 불모지대로 만들어버리지 않는가? 

그럼 사람이 거의 초죽음이 되버리는 것이다. 


이렇게 하고서 어떻게 암을 대항할 수있단 말인가?



암치료를 받다가 식욕이 오르지 않으니 

그저 미음 먹고 링거를 꽂아놓는다. 

그러면 병원 약이 암을 치료해주는가?

그 사람이 좋은 영양식을 잘 먹어야만 

면역이 회복되어서 암을 대항하는 것인데 

그렇게 먹지 못하는 사람이 

어떻게 면역력이 생긴단 말인가?


거슨 박사 요법

여기에 거손 박사 요법이 좋은 사례가 된다. 

그는 암을 자극하는 것을 배제시켰는데 

그것이 인스턴트 음식, 불소가 들어있는 물, 지방질, 설탕, 

과당시럽을 제거하는 것이였다. 


그리고 면역을 높여주는 음식을 섭취하게 했다. 

이는 좋은 물이며 좋은 공기, 채소 과일, 

간의 기능을 높여주는 식단을 제공해서 

면역을 높여 대항시킨 것이다.



암과 싸우는 사례는 계속 된다. 

가령 대마재배가 불법이라 했는가? 그럴수는 없다. 

헨리포드는 생전에 우리가 상상하는 모든 곳

 대마를 사용해야 할것이라고 말하곤 했다. 

지금 우리는 나무를 잘라서 종이를 만들고 

목재로 내장과 가구를 제작하는데 그것을 

대마의 삼줄로 할 수있다는 말이다. 

심지어 자동차 내장재까지도 만들 수있다. 

그러나 반대로 플라스틱 아니면 나무를 잘라서 만들고 잇지 않은가.. 

이것은 인간의 탐욕의 모습이다. 

인간은 의료용 대마를 불법이라해서 사용못하게 하고 재배도 못하게 한다. 

무인 드로이드 로보트를 띄워서 재배자를 색출하려고 혈안이 되었을 정도다.


릭 심슨 Rick Simpson 은 그의 비디오를 

통해서 대마기름으로 암을 어떻게 효과적으로 잡을 수있는지를 보여준다.

(사견:대마를 일반적으로 나쁜것이다라고 알고있는데 그게 아니군요....) 

(방송과 언론,정부는 국민을 세뇌시킨것인가? 의료조작인가?)

 정보를 억제하는 일은 범죄행위이다 

The suppression of this information is criminal.









The Biggest Moneymaker of all Time: Cancer, and Why the Profiteers Don’t Want a Cure

September 22, 2012 | By | 12 Replies More

Dr. Dennis Antoine, Wake Up World
Waking Times

People wail, cry, and question why him/her, how could this happen to a child? Immeasurable grief.

Yet the answers are quite clear: humans are unknowingly exposed to far too many chemicals on their food, in their water, their clothes – even when buying a new car. That new car smell? Major cancer causing chemicals that have been used to treat the new leather and the rugs in that new car. And people get in and snort it like they smelled a bouquet of flowers.

Food sprayed with chemicals to make them last? Preservatives. At one time, you could not patent food. Yet we now have a patented soybean. Just so Monsanto can profit. This fooling around and injecting chemicals in food has got to stop!

This is why you must demand that food be labeled GMO! Go California!

Even new clothing has been treated with chemicals that can seep into the body and wreak havoc especially in young children. Not to mention the pesticides that are used on your food. What is very interesting is how many people from Monsanto wind up working for the FDA. The FDA is supposed to protect US citizens from poisons, right? Do enough of your own research and the more you learn the more outraged you will become. This is what is meant by the wolf guarding the henhouse. They eat healthy, sure. And you can bet the ranch they don’t eat the food they sell.

Dr Max Gerson, who in 1938 made a startling discovery that his safe natural treatment for cancer patients held enormous promise. He was getting people well by using something that could not be patented – vegetables. At this time in history, a bill was appropriated for 100 million dollars to anyone who could show promise and results in treating cancer. Dr Gerson in 1946 presented 5 terminal cases and 5 additional patients’ records showing his effective treatment and cure of all of these cases. Well, guess what? The Pepper-Neely bill was defeated by four senators who were medical doctors.

Also of note, radio announcer Raymond Gram Swing who was in the room, was as astonished as any of the others and made a broadcast that night detailing these events and Gerson’s effective treatment. Two 2 weeks later, Swing was fired from his job.

The following video is life changing. The angel Charlotte Gerson is still alive and living in San Diego.

Gerson died in 1959, eulogized by long-time friend, Albert Schweitzer M.D.:

I see in him one of the most eminent geniuses in the history of medicine. Many of his basic ideas have been adopted without having his name connected with them. Yet, he has achieved more than seemed possible under adverse conditions. He leaves a legacy which commands attention and which will assure him his due place. Those whom he has cured will now attest to the truth of his ideas.

Dozens of treatments have come and gone and have just as quickly been termed “not effective”. When an individual encounters a pathogen (virus, bacteria, fungus) their immunomodulators in their brain kick in to use and many different self-preservation events occur. one of the first is a fever. Almost all pathogens function best at 98.6, or normal body temperature.

The aspirin companies have convinced the public that a fever is bad. “We’ve got to break the fever” “if it gets too high we could cause brain damage”. And so this is drilled into caring parents’ minds and they immediately freak and start giving aspirin.

The body knows what it is doing and we interfere. Because we have a degree from a prestigious school and a stethoscope around our neck-we know better. But the fever is designed to make a poor quality environment for the germ, and eventually kill it off.

Instead, the aspirin, or Tylenol, does lower the temperature in some cases and the pathogen can now flourish.

The following was written by a medical doctor and comes from The Cancer Prevention Coalition: The verdict is unassailable. The American Cancer Society bears a major responsibility for losing the winnable war against cancer. Reforming the ACS is, in principle, relatively easy and directly achievable. Boycott the ACS. Instead, give your charitable contributions to public interest and environmental groups involved in cancer prevention. Such a boycott is well overdue and will send the only message this “charity” can no longer ignore. The Cancer Prevention Coalition (chaired by the author) in April 1999 formally announced a nationwide campaign for an economic boycott of the ACS .


The American Cancer Society has close connections to the mammography industry. Five radiologists have served as ACS presidents, and in its every move, the ACS reflects the interests of the major manufacturers of mammogram machines and films, including Siemens, DuPont, General Electric, Eastman Kodak, and Piker. In fact, if every woman were to follow ACS and NCI mammography guidelines, the annual revenue to health care facilities would be a staggering $5 billion, including at least $2.5 billion for premenopausal women. Promotions of the ACS continue to lure women of all ages into mammography centers, leading them to believe that mammography is their best hope against breast cancer. A leading Massachusetts newspaper featured a photograph of two women in their twenties in an ACS advertisement that promised early detection results in a cure “nearly 100 percent of the time.” An ACS communications director, questioned by journalist Kate Dempsey, responded in an article published by the Massachusetts Women’s Community’s journal Cancer:

The ad isn’t based on a study. When you make an advertisement, you just say what you can to get women in the door. You exaggerate a point. . . . Mammography today is a lucrative [and] highly competitive business.

The way women are treated when they have a mammography is deplorable. The tender, sensitive breast is jostled around, roughly handled and placed in the device to obtain the x-ray. The already angry area (angry with cancer cells) is now irritated further, enhancing the probability and possibility of cells spreading to other parts of the body.

Not only that, the tumor has a capsule around it. All the rough movement of the breast only helps to disrupt this capsule and enhance spreading or metastasis. Want a little more irritation? Let’s biopsy the area. A needle is stuck into the balloon and cells removed. Don’t you know there will be some leakage of the cells contained in that capsule?

Lung cancer and esophageal cancers too, are extraordinarily lucrative. It is one of the more difficult cancers to treat. There are miraculous stories about using Hydrogen Peroxide in the proper form to treat the body with oxygen.

Madison Cavanaugh has written a book called The one Minute Cure detailing the effectiveness of Hydrogen Peroxide on various health problems. Get the book.

To be clear, Hydrogen Peroxide must be Food Grade, meaning NOT WHAT YOU BUY IN THE SUPERMARKET. You must find food grade at 35% and then dilute it to 3%. What they sell in the brown bottle has preservatives in it and is not meant for internal use.

Cancer despises oxygen. It also loves 98.6. And it loves fatty tissue. It’s nirvana for the cancer cells. Cancer also has a unique capability to do what is called angiogenesis - it makes its own blood vessels to bring more blood and more food to feed its crazy appetite. It has this appetite because it is making cells at such a rapid pace.

Sugar is perfect fuel for cancer. High fructose corn syrup is a form of sugar that is ideal, as the high mitotic rate (cell division and tumor growth) calls for energy.

So here we have the “perfect storm”- you take a body, make it overweight – eat low quality food with all kinds of chemicals in the food and expose that person to fluoride in water, or vaccinations (additional cancer causing chemicals), air pollution, barbecued food (additional carcinogens) nitrates and nitrites, second hand smoke, etc and voila! You have a good potential to develop cancer.

Not everyone takes the cheese of standard treatment however, because there are alternatives to treating even difficult esophageal cancer as evidenced by this next video:

Tumors – Let’s pretend you were away and when you came home your home was extremely hot. You go to the thermostat an turn on the air conditioner. Nothing happens.

Would you then rip the thermostat out of the wall, thinking, “Well that should fix it”?

Of course not. This is what we do when we cut out a tumor. The tumors purpose just may be a “thermostat” a way to measure the presence of sickness. What if the tumor was only an indicator and not a sign of imminent death?

In so many cases, when treated successfully, there are reports of tumors shrinking and disappearing.

So what we do in America, we cut the tumor out. And the wonderful surgeon tells the family “I think we got it all”. Since cells are so vastly small, how could anyone, even with a microscope know for sure that they “got it all?” There is not a physician on the planet that could know for 100% sure they were able to “get it all”.

As a matter of fact, what if the tumors actually served a purpose and acted as indicators to tell us whether improvement is taking place? After all, unless the tumor is pressing on an airway or blood vessel, why take a chance and cut a person open who is already in a challenged state? And leave them susceptible to infection. Many people die from secondary infections due to the immunosuppresion of their bodies brought on by the side effects of chemotherapy. The radiation kills healthy cells. Cancer does not make hair fall out; radiation does that. And poor appetite causing poor nourishment? Caused by the drugs. So how can a body stay healthy if they are not getting proper nourishment?

This does not have to be. This is exactly where Dr Gerson was going. Take away the irritants (bad food, poor quality fluoridated water, fats, and sugars) and introduce ingredients the body can use to fight with-clean water-a healthy liver-vegetables-nutrients, and proper health can be restored.

This is a small sampling of incredible alternatives to fight cancer. The reason hemp is outlawed? Henry Ford many years ago said we should be using hemp for almost anything you can imagine –  more and better use than cutting down all the trees and insulting the earth with mining. Greed is why hemp is outlawed. It is a very powerful solution to a number of health problems.

Rick Simpson in his video Run From the Cure discusses his very effective treatment for cancer-hemp oil.

The suppression of this information is criminal.

Please read Death By MedicineGary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD, Dorothy Smith PhD

This is not about bad mouthing anyone. There are better things to do with time. It is about exposing the truth. There are many fine, caring physicians. When a person experiences a trauma from an accident, a severe laceration, by all means, of course you require medical treatment. Let’s not mix compassion with profit. Medicine started out based on compassion. First, do no harm, right? We should prevent what we treat? Where are we now? Big Pharma sends their beautiful reps to doctors’ offices to convince them of how they should be getting more people on this drug or that one, despite side effects. It’s for profit and it is deplorable and sad.

Be aware of your rights; don’t be badgered or scared into doing what “everyone else is doing” only to wind up a statistic. Do your research now while you’re healthy. Don’t wait until you are in a crisis mode. Stay healthy. Grow your own vegetables. Drink purified water. Take nutrients. Question authority. And by all means Wake Up World!

Dr. Dennis Antoine

About the Author

Dr. Dennis Antoine graduated New York Chiropractic College in 1983. He opened his office in Ft Lauderdale to treat patients with chiropractic care and nutritional guidance, and  started Prevention@Work which focused on helping industry reduce injuries in the workplace. Using ergonomics, or the study of a person in the workplace, he assisted large companies in south Florida reduce their injuries, thereby helping companies save millions of dollars in health care costs. He has been a contributing editor for the Florida Sun Sentinel, The South Florida Business Journal, and ACA Journal of Chiropractic. He has also been a presenter for the American Chiropractic Association, the Florida Dairy Products Association, and Prevention Magazine. He now helps other doctors market their practices, and get the word out about options and alternatives that are safe and effective in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.